Construction From Hell

I was unaware “painting” was such a loud event. We received a letter from our landlords a few weeks ago about how they were going to start re-painting the outsides of everyone’s houses. They’re starting, however, with the rain gutters. About two weeks ago, I got a nice, bright, early wake-up call (I’d say around […]

Why Turkeys Are Served on Thanksgiving

Have you ever actually heard a turkey gobble? Have you ever heard two turkeys fight? Did you know turkeys can fly? These are questions I thought I would never really have to worry about. It seemed logical that a gobble would sound just like a human makes it sound. It seemed reasonable that two male turkeys would […]

The Stupid Question

This is the second collaboration piece done with Jeff over at Content Unrelated. Woop woop! Be sure you go and read his blog, he’s so funny — and last week some of the best comments of the post came from the part he wrote. Just saying. Also, if you’re any kind of industry worker and […]

Server Problems: Happy Hour and Impatience

My first collaboration piece! I’m pretty excited about this. This is written with Jeff from Content Unrelated, so be sure you check out some of his funny stuff! It’s a bit different from the ones I’ve posted so far — more of a storyline and less of the conversation. The post-customer interaction where the majority […]

Writer Problems

I’ve come to the conclusion (specifically after writing things like What Your Server is Really Thinking, What Your Barista is Really Thinking, and The 2013 Guide to Tipping) that if you don’t work a job/career, there’s no possible way you will understand what the other person is going through. I can sit here and bitch […]

What Your Barista is Really Thinking

I had some pretty positive feedback from last week’s What Your Server is Really Thinking, and I was discussing being a barista with one Karen Gadient, so I decided to post one that I had written on what your barista is really thinking. If this one goes well, I may turn this into a weekly thing […]

Mind the Bubble

There are few things I hate about the public in general. The most aggravating one, of course, is people being in my bubble. Sometimes it has to happen, I get it — but especially with super scary things like scabies in the world, I’m not trying to rub up on everyone that passes and I […]

Life Without X

Under yesterday’s Daily Prompt (which, yes, I’m just getting to now), the post was about choosing one letter from the English language and not using it. Well, I decided we could all live without an “x” (if you know what I mean) so perhaps I will prove how useless the letter (and the person) are. […]

Tall People Problems

It’s time to let the world know what it’s like to be a giant. It’s awful. I don’t understand why everyone is always fawning over tall people. Girls, take note of this (especially you…erm…frisky ones) — tall men are not valid substitutions for stripper poles. Friction burns. Anyway. I feel like a lot of people […]