Conquering Fear

I’ve been swirling around in a cyclone of surrealism, overwhelmed and desperate to find a place to rest my longing hands. In five days, I’m going to be entering a town that, for the last six years, has lived in only my dreams. Immortality Awaits is, at the core, a fantasy in a world I created, […]

The Calm Before the Storm

Where did 2013 go? A year ago I was in a completely different house, in a completely different town, just starting out a new job and wondering if the world was really going to end on December 22nd. Or 21st. Or whatever Doomsday was this time. Well, it’s time to kiss 2013 goodbye, telling the […]

On Writer’s Block and Loving Your Work

This post is exciting to me for a couple of reasons. It’s my 100th post. I’m coming off of a month-long dose of writer’s block. I’m celebrating 11 months on the blogosphere. Holy wow! I never thought I would be 100 posts deep. Generally, any time I’ve made an attempt to write a blog or […]

It Feels Like Forever

Daily Prompt: No Longer a Mere Mortal You’ve imbibed a special potion that makes you immortal. Now that you’ve got forever, what changes will you make in your life? How will you live life differently, knowing you’ll always be around to be accountable for your actions? Ah, to be immortal. To watch the world change throughout […]

What Your Non-Starbucks Barista is Thinking

Couldn’t do a server post this week, and I realized I only had one barista one. People seemed to like it, so here’s another one. 🙂 —————– Everyone knows that one of the most aggravating customer service jobs is in the coffee industry. So many people crawl out of bed, cranky to the point of […]

My Journey Into Fangorn Forest

Sometimes, you need to envision an imaginary world in which you love to escape the reality of a world in which you hate. The weeping willows surrounded us as we ventured further into the forest’s depths, the world growing farther behind us with each passing step. The sounds of cars passing by grew distant as […]


There are a few philosophical questions I really like to discuss with people. Which, at this point in my life, I think is awesome — I just wish I had the same drive for this topic in college. I could probably be a famous philosopher by this point. But, every life has a path and […]