A New Venture

Well, The Artist Mindset, it’s been fun. I’m not deleting you, I’m not abandoning you, I’m not forgetting about you…I’m just changing my focus a bit.

I’ve started a new blog, now, solely focused on my book, Immortality Awaits. There’s also a Facebook page, and that’s where most of my presence will be. I’ll probably reblog some stuff over here every so often, and I’ll still blog when I can, but every time I try to focus on this site I just don’t have the energy. I’m at a place in life, now, where I want to follow my heart, and my heart is telling me this is where all of my focus needs to be. I’ve cut my hours at work, and I’m taking some big risks, but what is the point of life if not for that purpose?

Anyway, if you follow/subscribe to this blog, please feel free to follow either of the above-provided links to keep tabs on me. I quite enjoy the community around here, and as I said I’ll still be over here whenever I can, but in the meantime, I hope everyone’s dreams find a way to come true.
